University teacher laments inadequacy in academic art books

TEHRAN – University teacher Bijan Ghonchepur has said that academic art books lack efficiency and that appropriate programs are needed to raise academic standards at Iranian art universities.
“What is taught at the universities to art students is not productive enough and does not meet the needs of the students at the current time,” he told the Persian service of ISNA.
“The main issue for the students studying professional art courses is that their books were composed many years ago in the early years of the Islamic Revolution (1979) and have lost their academic value for the art of today,” Chonchepur, who teaches sculpture to art students, explained.
“After the revolution, art courses were not taught for several years, and when the decision was made to reopen the art universities and resume teaching art, the books and the texts were compiled based on the social conditions of the early years of the revolution. However, we have gone past all those years and that information is inadequate now,” he explained.
“The result is that the universities have fallen behind the art galleries and art festivals. If the books meet international standards and are revised as contemporary art changes, this widespread discontent of art students would disappear,” he remarked.
The old books bring professors with the knowledge that is not up-to-date to the universities, he noted.
“After graduation, the students find out that none of their studies and knowledge has been useful for them,” he said.
He also proposed that art colleges should be gathered in one location so that all art students would have more interactions.
Photo: An art aficionado visits an exhibition of paintings by Reza Alizadeh named “Bubble” at the Sayeh Gallery on January 14, 2019. (Honaronline/Sharareh Samei)
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